When you have difficulty paying your bills, it can take a toll on your self-respect. When the creditors start making harassing phone calls to your home, it adds insult to injury. If you then get to the point where you are in danger of wage garnishment, car repossession or home foreclosure – it is time to contact an experienced bankruptcy lawyer. Bankruptcy can stop, alleviate and many times resolve these issues in addition to wiping out your debt.
When you file for bankruptcy, an immediate halt is placed on all collections efforts for your money, car and home.
Learn how we can help you with the following legal issues:
Located in Howell, Michigan, attorney David Brauer and the law office of David W. Brauer, PLLC provide comprehensive legal representation for clients in communities throughout Livingston County and eastern Michigan, including the cities of Fowlerville, Brighton, Lakeland, Hartland, Gregory, Whitmore Lake, Hamburg and Cohoctah. Contact David W. Brauer, PLLC at (517) 548-1998 to schedule a free initial consultation with experienced Howell wage garnishment attorneys today.
We are conveniently located in downtown next to the Family Dollar, formerly Howell Village Market. For your convenience, our firm offers payment plans and accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.